Taylor Rushing | Arts + Literature Laboratory | Madison Contemporary Arts Center

Taylor Rushing

Taylor Wright Rushing was born in Tacoma, WA. He received his BA at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington and went on to work as a professional glassblower in the South Puget Sound, work carpentry on the southern coast of the United Kingdom and play in an old time string band in Austin, Texas. He will receive his Masters of Fine Arts at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in the spring.

He acted as the first artist-in-residence at Howard Finster’s Paradise Garden in Summerville, Georgia in the summer of 2016 and is currently the artist-in-residence at the Bubbler in Madison’s Central Public Library. His work has been on the covers of Old Time Herald Magazine and Grit City Magazine and he has shown widely in the United States, including at the Todd Art Gallery in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and the Red Bull Art House in Detroit, Michigan. His work will be on display at the Webb Gallery in Waxahatchie, TX in May 2019.



I was born in the hem and haw of lunar activity some odd years ago in a log cabin that I fashioned from 50 red cedar trunks my grandfather felled at the base of Mount St. Helens.  At ten, I could strut a wicked instrument and moan a mean blues. By seventeen, I was standing shoulder to shoulder with with the carpenters at the tavern and landing steelhead at the banks of the Wynoochee. I’ve managed to subsist on very little while gorging myself on the uncounted number of sights and sounds my sojourning has afforded me. 

I’ve drank from the proverbial pot of Slumgullion and I’ve taken a swig from the Rainbow Stew and for that I am thankful. The only friends I’ve had on this earth are my pens and inks and my own disposition.

I’ve tried my hand at carving, cartooning, and other matter of making which you’ll see as a testament to what I’ve learned here.

Bound to lose or bound to win, I’m not sure how my dice will roll but I’m certain I’ll remain uncertain and I’m content to stay puzzled. For the story is never a straight, clear river or as honest as Abe. As long as I’m able-bodied, fit to ride and have my faculties about me, I’ll maintain the story: that thread that binds us together concertedly. So here it goes folks…



Arts + Literature Laboratory is located at 111 S. Livingston Street #100, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703.

Our galleries are open Tuesday through Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday noon to 5pm, and other programs take place throughout the week. Please check the events calendar and education section for details.


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