All Originals: "At 50" by Rachel K. Martin | Arts + Literature Laboratory | Madison Contemporary Arts Center

All Originals: "At 50" by Rachel K. Martin

ALL Review is pleased to announce Rachel K. Martin's poem "At 50" has been chosen as a runner up for the ALL Originals contest.

At 50

The day arrives with rain
A soothing patter on the tin
roof of my porch where I
sit sipping warm coffee
smoothing neural folds

I look over the fields past
the barn with the weathered
vane to the steady flow
of the creek

Today a beaver dam, a pile
of feathers, patches
of overturned grass 

The feathers choose me
as they shift with the breeze
like the clouds that reveal
that luminous seam
stretching my body like a dove

Was it yesterday I held
the weighty stone by the gate,
the sickly apple upon the hill,
the decaying fence rails readying
their fall?

My seat settles me so I can see
a stick from the dam break
free as the bright gold of a finch
lands its song on bared soil
finding seed

About the Author

Rachel K. Martin poet

Rachel K. Martin is an amateur poet recently honored with the first publication of her work in the Summer 2020 edition of Bramble, the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poet's magazine. She is a passionate advocate for building an equitable world that places people and relationships at the center. You can find her volunteering, gardening, listening and learning and, of course, writing poetry in Madison, Wisconsin.

February 2021


Arts + Literature Laboratory is located at 111 S. Livingston Street #100, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703.

Our galleries are open Tuesday through Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday noon to 5pm, and other programs take place throughout the week. Please check the events calendar and education section for details.


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