Brenda Cárdenas authored Trace (Red Hen Press), Boomerang (Bilingual Press) and three chapbooks. She also co-edited Resist Much/Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance and Between the Heart and the Land: Latina Poets in the Midwest. Her poems and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in many literary journals and anthologies, such as Poetry; Prairie Schooner, Braving the Body; Latinx Poetics: The Art of Poetry; TAB: Journal of Poetry and Poetics; Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations; Grabbed: Poets and Writers on Sexual Assault, Empowerment, and Healing; and Ghost Fishing: An Eco-Justice Anthology. She has enjoyed collaborating with musicians, composers, visual artists, and choreographers, and her poem “Para los Tin-Tun-Teros” set to choral music by Daniel Afonso was published by Hal Leonard Music and will be performed at Carnegie Hall in March 2024. Cárdenas has served as Milwaukee’s Poet Laureate and currently teaches at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.