Canceled: March Watershed Reading | Arts + Literature Laboratory | Madison Contemporary Arts Center

Canceled: March Watershed Reading

Due to health concerns around COVID-19, we are cancelling this event. We hope to host these poets at a reading later in the year, so stay tuned, and stay safe. And since we all might be staying home a bit more than usual, you might want to stock up on poetry, beginning with books by these two poets. 

Callista Buchen poet Indiana

Callista Buchen is the author of Look Look Look (Black Lawrence Press, 2019), and the chapbooks The Bloody Planet (Black Lawrence Press, 2015) and Double-Mouthed (dancing girl press, 2016). Her work appears in Harpur Palate, Puerto del Sol, Fourteen Hills, and many other journals, and she is the winner of DIAGRAM's essay contest. She teaches at Franklin College, where she directs the creative writing program and the visiting writers' reading series. 

Nancy Reddy

Nancy Reddy is the author of Double Jinx (Milkweed Editions, 2015), a 2014 winner of the National Poetry Series, and Acadiana (Black Lawrence Press, 2018). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Gettysburg Review, Pleiades, Blackbird, Colorado Review, The Iowa Review, Smartish Pace, and elsewhere. The recipient of a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and grants from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and the Sustainable Arts Foundation, she teaches writing at Stockton University in New Jersey.


Arts + Literature Laboratory is located at 111 S. Livingston Street #100, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703.

Our galleries are open Tuesday through Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday noon to 5pm, and other programs take place throughout the week. Please check the events calendar and education section for details.

UPDATE, January 21, 2025: Due to the Extreme Cold Warning issued by the National Weather Service, Arts + Literature Laboratory and its galleries will be closed today. Meetings and classes have been moved to Zoom. Please consult our social media for further updates.


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