Arts + Literature Laboratory presents Liminal, an exhibition by Monty Little, from September 18, 2023 through November 11, 2023. A reception for this exhibition and Destruction of Eden: War of the Ghosts by John Hitchcock and Chad Oliver will be held Friday, November 3 from 5:00pm to 9:00pm.
The works on view forefront historic and contemporary erasures of various Indigenous identities within the United States. Indigenous communities across the nation maintain multiple cultures, languages, ceremonies, and histories, and should not be seen as a singular society. This exhibition consists of two historical sections. The artwork in the first section represents the 374 ratified Indian treaties signed between the 18th century and early 20th century between various Indigenous communities and the United States government. The second section consists of an installation featuring school desks that date to the era of Indigenous boarding schools. The installation is a reminder of attempted assimilation through settler colonial agendas. The exhibition surveys multiple treaties that marginalize the agency of Indigenous communities, the attempted assimilations and cultural removal from boarding schools, and reflects on these major accounts to acknowledge not only the survival but the continued presence of Indigenous peoples, even if their identities have been altered. Survivance is a continuation of Indigenous solidarity across the nation, which empowers and enriches communities.
After the exhibition opening date, Arts + Literature galleries will be open Tuesdays through Fridays 10:00am to 5:00pm and Saturdays 12:00 noon to 5pm.