Tierra de Mujer | Arts + Literature Laboratory | Madison Contemporary Arts Center

Tierra de Mujer

Arts + Literature Laboratory presents Tierra de Mujer, a new series of paintings by Lelia Byron. The exhibition will be on view from November 12 through December 19, 2020.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the galleries will be open to the public for limited hours from 12-5pm Thursday through Saturday or by appointment. Visitors inside the building will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing, and the number of visitors will be limited according to current public health guidelines. Exhibition admission is free.

The exhibition will also be on view through the gallery windows on E. Main Street Thursday and Friday evenings.

A virtual artist talk with Lelia Byron (in lieu of a reception) will be announced here and on Facebook.

Artist Statement

What goes into growing coffee? In Huila, Colombia, a group of approximately 300 women farmers are working to produce high quality coffee beans from their own microlot farms through environmentally sustainable methods. These women are part of the Mujeres Cafeteras program within the Coocentral Coffee Cooperative, which has about 4,000 families each with their own small coffee farm. While traditionally most coffee farmers are men, this initiative is shifting labor for women in the program from working on household tasks to being entrepreneurial leaders.

In 2016, I began the series of paintings in this exhibition by meeting with and interviewing some of the women in the cooperative to learn about how these Mujeres Cafeteras came to be farmers and owners of their own microlots. The stories are diverse, but consistently touch on themes related to labor, land ownership, and a deep connection with the earth. In these paintings, which were completed in 2020, people, objects, and landscapes weave together without an obvious narrative beginning or end. Instead the paintings are full of patterns and cycles like in both nature and in the coffee growing process. The paintings, which were built up through many layers, reference the intricate layers of producing coffee that include picking the ripe cherries of the coffee plant by hand, fermentation, and drying.

In a world full of human-made borders and divisions, coffee is proof of the actual interconnectedness of people across the globe. We are all intricately connected to each other and to the natural environment. Likewise actions at any one part of this complex web of interconnectedness have an impact on human rights and environmental sustainability across our global home.

¿Qué hay detrás del arte de cultivar café? En Huila, Colombia, un grupo de aproximadamente 300 mujeres campesinas trabajan en sus microlotes y producen café de alta calidad usando métodos ambientalmente sostenibles. Estas mujeres forman parte del programa “Mujeres Cafeteras”, una iniciativa de la Cooperativa Coocentral que reúne a cerca de 4000 familias de la región. Si bien tradicionalmente la mayoría de campesinos cafeteros son hombres, esta iniciativa está cambiando los roles laborales de las mujeres de la zona quienes han dejado de dedicar todo su tiempo a completar tareas del hogar y se han convertido en emprendedoras del café.

En el año 2016, empecé la serie de pinturas de esta exhibición viajando a la región para entrevistar a algunas de las mujeres que forman parte del programa y de esta manera poder conocer de primera mano cómo es que estas Mujeres Cafeteras han logrado convertirse en dueñas y administradoras de sus propios lotes. Las historias que encontré son diversas, pero consistentemente hablan del trabajo, del derecho de propiedad y de la profunda conexión con la tierra. En estas pinturas, completadas en el año 2020, personas, objetos y paisajes se entretejen para crear una narrativa que no tiene ni principio ni final obvios. Las pinturas en cambio están llenas de patrones y ciclos tal y como sucede tanto en la naturaleza como en el proceso de producción del café. Cargadas de capas sobrepuestas de óleo, las pinturas hacen alusión a las complejas etapas en el proceso de producción del café incluyendo la recolección a mano del fruto maduro, la fermentación y el secado.

En un mundo lleno de fronteras artificiales y divisiones, el café es prueba de la compleja conexión entre las personas alrededor del planeta. Estamos intrincadamente conectados los unos a los otros y también con el medio ambiente. Por esta razón, las acciones en una parte de esta compleja red de conexiones tienen un impacto en los derechos humanos y la sostenibilidad ambiental a lo largo y ancho de nuestro hogar común.

Lelia Byron Artist

Lelia Byron is an interdisciplinary artist who makes paintings, murals, sculptures, installations, and books. Some other recent work includes large outdoor sculptures in rural Portugal made from recycled plastic, a narrative installation made with students at the Rauma Art Museum in Finland, a series of paintings about workers in Massachusetts fighting for labor rights, and a mural in a public square in Sicily documenting local stories. Lelia has a Bachelor’s of Fine Art from Carnegie Mellon University and a Master’s in Fine Art from Chelsea College of Arts (University of the Arts London). In 2018, Lelia received an Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Award. Originally, Lelia grew up in New York City, but has since lived in a number of different places and is currently based in Madison, WI.


Arts + Literature Laboratory is located at 111 S. Livingston Street #100, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703.

Our galleries are open Tuesday through Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday noon to 5pm, and other programs take place throughout the week. Please check the events calendar and education section for details.

UPDATE, January 21, 2025: Due to the Extreme Cold Warning issued by the National Weather Service, Arts + Literature Laboratory and its galleries will be closed today. Meetings and classes have been moved to Zoom. Please consult our social media for further updates.


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