How to Live #10: Naming the World | Arts + Literature Laboratory | Madison Contemporary Arts Center

How to Live #10: Naming the World

When he’s past a year, then 18 months and still not speaking, we begin 

to teach the baby signs, 

scooping the air in front of us for want

circling a fist over our hearts for please. It’s more he uses most, 

gathering the fingers on each hand together, then touching the fingertips 

over and over and over. At meals we ask

more cheese, or more turkey? 

more banana or more cracker? 

holding each item in the air so he can learn to choose, 

trying to tie the sounds of words to the objects that he wants. 

The signs go general and in excitement he signs 

more and more, more water in the bath, more blocks, more 

milk, more dancing. Without a word to stitch it to, the sign’s sometimes 

hard to parse. Sometimes it seems it’s just a baby way of saying 

joy. More dogs, more snow, more plastic t-rex stomping 

over train tracks. Sitting on the floor with the new baby kicking at my ribs, 

this wondrous not-quite baby smiling at his trains, 

baby, yes, more of this. More of all of it. 

"Naming the World" originally appeared in Eco Theo and is re-published with permission of the author. 

The ALL Review is pleased to present our How to Live series, poems chosen to help readers navigate these difficult and rapidly changing times. 

About the Author

Nancy Reddy is the author of The Good Mother Myth (St. Martin’s Press, 2025). Her previous books include the poetry collection Pocket Universe and the anthology The Long Devotion: Poets Writing Motherhood, which she co-edited with Emily Pérez. Her essays have appeared in Slate, Poets & Writers, Romper, The Millions, and elsewhere. She writes the newsletter Write More, Be Less Careful. You can find her on Instagram at nancy.o.reddy.

April 2020


Arts + Literature Laboratory is located at 111 S. Livingston Street #100, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703.

Our galleries are open Tuesday through Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday noon to 5pm, and other programs take place throughout the week. Please check the events calendar and education section for details.


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