Topics in Documentary Film | Arts + Literature Laboratory | Madison Contemporary Arts Center

Topics in Documentary Film

Do you like watching and discussing documentaries? Are you looking for ways to safely socialize while cooped up this winter? Enroll in Topics in Documentary Film, a moderated documentary discussion course, and jump in on lively discussions about recent feature-length documentaries that have earned critical acclaim or notoriety. Instructor James Kreul will lead online discussions and teach methods used to analyze documentary film.

Online meetings will emphasize discussion and interaction. (Psst...pass notes while teach is talking!) Participants will watch one documentary each week, read one article from academic or popular film publications, and prepare for discussions based on in-class instructions. Short lectures will provide historical context and conceptual frameworks for analysing the films. Free Zoom and Plex accounts will be required to facilitate online meetings and film access.

Film selections and discussions will focus on the following topics:

Part One

* Truth Claims and Hybrid Techniques: When documentaries use animation, performances, and recreations, how can we evaluate the truth value of their claims? 

* Historical Analysis vs. Conspiracy Theory: When do “grand narratives” cross the line from revisionist historical argument to delusional conspiracy?

Part Two

* Poetic Observation: How have filmmakers transformed observational techniques to create highly personal and formally inventive films?

* Filmmaker as Subject: What are the advantages and disadvantages of stressing the filmmaker’s subjective experience and their personal involvement in the story?

Register for Part One

Register for Part Two

James Kreul Mills Folly Microcinema Documentary Film Madison

James Kreul curates Mills Folly Microcinema, an experimental film series at Arts + Literature Laboratory. He has programmed film screenings at UW-Cinematheque, Wisconsin Film Festival and Madison Museum of Contemporary Art. He received his Ph.D in Film Studies at the UW-Madison in 2005, and has taught courses in film production and film history. Since 2012, he has contributed film reviews and articles to Madison’s alternative weekly, Isthmus.

He is a moving image curator, critic, scholar, maker and enthusiast living in Madison, Wisconsin. Wittgenstein wrote that “the meaning of a word is its use in the language.” On this website, Kreul will use the term “film” based on its current general use in the language, rather than based on any definition rooted in medium specificity.


Arts + Literature Laboratory is located at 111 S. Livingston Street #100, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703.

Our galleries are open Tuesday through Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday noon to 5pm, and other programs take place throughout the week. Please check the events calendar and education section for details.


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