Lorine Niedecker Poetry Award | Arts + Literature Laboratory | Madison Contemporary Arts Center

Lorine Niedecker Poetry Award

2024 Lorine Niedecker Poetry Award

The Lorine Niedecker Poetry Award is presented for a group of five poemsone of which must be published in a literary journal or anthology in the contest year. Four of the five poems may be unpublished, self-published, appear in locally produced broadsides, or published this year or in a prior year. See full contest guidelines.

  • First Place: $500 award and five-day stay at Shake Rag Alley Center for the Arts in Mineral Point, WI ($895 value)
  • Honorable Mention: $50 and a five-day stay at Ernest Hüpeden's Painted Forest in Valton, WI ($800 value)

2024 Deadline: Postmarked by February 7, 2025
Entry fee: $25 (or $15 for members of Arts + Literature Laboratory)

 Judge: K. Iver

K. Iver was born in Mississippi. Their debut collection Short Film Starring My Beloved’s Red Bronco won the 2022 Ballard Spahr Prize for Poetry from Milkweed Editions, selected by Tyehimba Jess. Short Film is a finalist for the L.A. Times Book Award, the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, and the Lambda Literary Awards and has been named a Best Book of 2023 by the New York Public Library. Iver’s poems have appeared in Boston Review, Kenyon Review, LA Review of Books, and elsewhere. Iver has received fellowships from the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, the Sewanee Writers Conference, and the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation. They have a Ph.D. in Poetry from Florida State University. They are the Roger F. Murray Chair in Creative Writing at Phillips Academy in Andover, MA.



Lorine Niedecker [pronounced NEE dicur] (1903-1970) was born on Blackhawk Island near Fort Atkinson, where she lived for most of her life. After two years at Beloit College, she returned home and began writing poetry, supporting herself by proofreading, writing for a radio station, and even cleaning hospital floors. At first, her work was influenced by Imagist and Objectivist poets, but she gradually developed her own voice and style, characterized by spare language, subtle rhythms, and stark, vivid imagery. During her lifetime, she published her four poetry books at infrequent intervals (New Goose in 1946 and My Friend Tree in 1962), although she was a regular contributor to literary magazines. Since her death, the publication of four additional books, her Collected Works (2002), in particular, has contributed to her reputation as a original and significant voice in contemporary American poetry.

Previous winners:

Threading (The Adroit Journal) and other poems, Diya Abbas  (Madison)
Honorable Mention:  “Dispatch from Simultaneous Swim Lessons (Willow Springs) and other poems, Megan Gannon (Appleton)

“Barn Swallows” and other poems (Sky Island Journal), by Angela Williamson Emmert, Manawa, WI
Honorable Mention:  “Lake Edge, January” (The Hopper) and other poems, by Heather Swan, Madison, WI

David Southward, Milwaukee
Honorable Mention: Bruce Taylor, Chippewa Fall

Kathryn Gahl, Appleton
Honorable Mention: Eileen Mattmann, West Bend

Ed Werstein, Milwaukee
Honorable Mention: Margaret Benbow, Madison

David Southward, Milwaukee
Honorable Mention: Georgia Ressmeyer, Sheboygan


John K. Walser, Fond du Lac
Susan Elbe, Madison

Cathryn Cofell, Appleton
Honorable Mention: DeWitt Clinton, Shorewood

Jeanie Tomasko, Middleton
Honorable Mention: Rita Mae Reese, Madison

Kara Candito, Madison

Honorable Mention: Amie Whittemore, Racine

Sarah Busse, Madison
Honorable Mention: Susan Elbe, Madison

David Krump, La Crosse

Honorable Mention: Catherine Jagoe, Madison

Angela Sorby, Milwaukee

Honorable Mention: Catherine Jagoe, Madison

Susan Firer, Whitefish Bay

Honorable Mention: Cathryn Cofell, Appleton

David Krump, La Crosse

Susan Elbe, Madison

Honorable Mention: Harriet Brown, Madison
Honorable Mention: Anjie Greene-Martin, Palmyra

Alison Townsend, Stoughton

Honorable Mention: Susan Elbe, Madison

Honorable Mention: Susan Firer, Milwaukee
Honorable Mention: Karla Huston, Appleton

Karl Elder, Howards Grove
Honorable Mention: Kathryn Gahl, Two Rivers

Honorable Mention: Susan Elbe, Madison

Michael Kriesel, Aniwa
Honorable Mention: Wendy Vardaman, Madison
Honorable Mention: Robin Chapman, Madison

Anne-Marie Cusac, Madison

Honorable Mention: Elaine Cavanaugh, Hartland

Return to the Wisconsin Writers Awards main page 


Arts + Literature Laboratory is located at 111 S. Livingston Street #100, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703.

Our galleries are open Tuesday through Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday noon to 5pm, and other programs take place throughout the week. Please check the events calendar and education section for details.


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