Essential Knowledge Shared Visualizations Project | Arts + Literature Laboratory | Madison Contemporary Arts Center

Essential Knowledge Shared Visualizations Project

Arts + Literature Laboratory (ALL) is pleased to announce that artist Colin Matthes, whose work is currently featured in the Wisconsin Triennial at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, will hold an Essential Knowledge Shared Visualizations session at ALL on December 6, 6-8pm. This event is free but limited spaces are available. Please email to reserve a space.

Total Essential Knowledge 2016:
Matthes invites communities to share their essential knowledge by having conversations around a table of drawing supplies and refreshments. One part workshop, one part conversation, as participants share stories and learn from each other, they gradually move into a workshop about creating individual drawings designed to communicate their knowledge. Matthes shares images of his Essential Knowledge drawings as well as images from architecture, the art world, science, and cartography that are designed to communicate specific information. Participants consider the role fiction, exaggeration, humor, and lies can play in image making and story telling.
As participants make drawings that communicate our essential knowledge, Matthes stresses that no one is an expert in everything and everyone is an expert in something, and that drawing can be more than making something look like what it looks like. Each participant makes their own drawing; reproductions of these drawings are assembled into a small book that contributes to the goal of Total Essential Knowledge. Everyone involved receives a copy. 

Colin Matthes makes work about engineering the absurd, which allows him to address economic and environmental crisis from a funny, critical, and perversely industrious point of view. His work includes painting, drawing, installation, zine and graphic production, ceramics, and public art projects. Matthes has exhibited internationally in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Antwerp, Dublin, Houston, Seville, Ljubljana, Melbourne, and Berlin. Recent solo-projects include Colin Matthes: Instructional and Flood Resistant Work at Bockley Gallery (Minneapolis, MN), The Almost Now at Het Bos in Antwerp Belgium, and Green Mini Demo Derby, a solar powered remote control car demolition derby at the 2016 Energy Fair (Custer, WI). He has participated in numerous residencies including Hotel Pupik (Austria), Werkkamp (Belgium), and Cow House Studios (Ireland). He won the Marl L Nohl Fellowship for Individual Artists in 2102 (Established) and 2007 (Emerging). In addition,... Read More


Arts + Literature Laboratory is located at 111 S. Livingston Street #100, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703.

Our galleries are open Tuesday through Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday noon to 5pm, and other programs take place throughout the week. Please check the events calendar and education section for details.

UPDATE, January 21, 2025: Due to the Extreme Cold Warning issued by the National Weather Service, Arts + Literature Laboratory and its galleries will be closed today. Meetings and classes have been moved to Zoom. Please consult our social media for further updates.


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