Poem #1: Joy in Suffering | Arts + Literature Laboratory | Madison Contemporary Arts Center

Poem #1: Joy in Suffering

ALL Review is pleased to present our How to Live series, poems chosen to help readers navigate these difficult and rapidly changing times. 

by Kathleen Rooney

Everything's amiss
in America's abyss.

But it's possible to enjoy
the music pouring from the car.

 that hits you, or to adore
a world adorned with ice crystals, 

or to bask in the sunbeam shining
through an empty bottle,

 so I suppose it's possible not
to get throttled to death

 on this orbit of disquiet.
I've got to at least try it.


from Poems While You Wait

Lookingglass Theatre



About the Author

Writer Kathleen Rooney

Kathleen Rooney is a founding editor of Rose Metal Press, a publisher of literary work in hybrid genres, and a founding member of Poems While You Wait. Co-editor of The Selected Writings of René Magritte, forthcoming from Alma Books (UK) and University of Minnesota Press (U.S.) in 2016, she is also the author of seven books of poetry, nonfiction, and fiction, including, most recently, the novel O, Democracy! (2014) and the novel in poems Robinson Alone (2012). Her second novel, What Makes You Seek Your Fortune Here, will be published by St. Martin’s Press in 2017. 

April 2020


Arts + Literature Laboratory is located at 111 S. Livingston Street #100, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703.

Our galleries are open Tuesday through Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday noon to 5pm, and other programs take place throughout the week. Please check the events calendar and education section for details.

UPDATE, January 21, 2025: Due to the Extreme Cold Warning issued by the National Weather Service, Arts + Literature Laboratory and its galleries will be closed today. Meetings and classes have been moved to Zoom. Please consult our social media for further updates.


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